Chapter 75
The warmth aroundcwith an intoxicating scent and the feeling of comfort that surrounded my mind as |
stirred awake was blissful.
The Alpha’s large arms were wrapped around my middle and | was press tight against his body. | enjoyed the
way that our bodies molded together, fitting almost like the right puzzle pieces.
“For someone so small, you're actually really warm.” The Alphia whispered into my neck, from where his head
was buried and | giggled at the tickling feeling.
Turning around in his arms, | cface to face with dark hair, intense grey eyes and dark moustache. He also
had a small smile playing on his lips and the sight madesmile too.
“You fall asleep too quickly, how are we supposed to go multiple rounds if you're knocked out after the first.” He
teased lightly and | blushed to the tip of my toes which in turn made him chuckle.
A sound that warmed me.
“Well you could try not knockingout after the first round.” | blurted out and immediately regretted it, but the
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtsmile that he offered letknow that all was well.
“Says the lazy girl.” He replied and | laughed out loud.
Once | was down from my laughter high, it was to find his eyes just watching my face intently as though trying to
master every curve of my features.
“You're so beautiful.” He finally whispered, but it didn’t feel like his words were supposed to have been heard by
me. In fact he looked like he was talking more to himself than to anyone else.
| remained quiet because | wasn’t sure what to say that would not end up withbeing awkward. | wasn't used
to this sort of attention with anyone. So | wasn’t exactly sure what to say or do in situations like this one.
It was quiet after then and | could only hear the thump-thump of the Alpha’s heart. There were a lot of things
that were going through my mind. A lot of things | wanted to ask the Alpha but | didn’t know if it was a good
time, | didn’t know if I could even ask him those kind of things so | remained shut.
“Freya, | can see the questions running in your head and threatening to
both if you just ask.” The Alpha finally coaxed.
through your lips. | think it'll be easier for us
His voice was still gentle, swith his eyes and that was all the encouragent | needed. Taking a deep breath, |
finally began speaking.
“It’s just that | keep hearing different things and I'm not sure what to trust or believe and I'm just really curious.”
| paused, watching his face for his reaction, but as always his face gave nothing away. It was simply a blank
“Okay? Things regarding what?”
more and this tthere was a reaction.
“Y-your mate.” | blurted once mo
A frown immediately took over his features and he rolled over so he was now facing the chandelier that hung on
the ceiling and | bit my lips in regret.
Good job Freya! You were having such a good tand you just had to go and ruin it with your big mouth. |
berated myself
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0039 Mon, Jan 27
Chapter 25
“I'murry” Luffered unce the silence went on for so long, holding my breath and waiting for his response. I didn’t
want the moment that we had just been sharing to end.
Alpha Greyson let out a heavy sigh, almost like he was trying to pel something from within, but finally he turned
back in my direction and tookinto his arms once more, pullingtightly against his chest and burying his
face in my hair, not even bothering to hide the fact that he was sitting my hair.
He went at it for a while before finally placing a small kiss on my forehead,
“Her nwas Estelle. She was the most perfect woman in the world toat the time, but then one moment
she was here. and in the next moment she was gone.” He whispered and it was the first t| ever heard such
strong emotions in his voice.
“I didn’t know how her for very long. We had just met when she died but through the tthat | knew her, it felt
like | was constantly floating on a fully cloud. She was nice, really nice and just carefree.” He completed softly.
His eyes held a Caraway look in them, like he was thinking back to her and when she existed and | felt pity for