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An Omega For Sale by Kess

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

The slight gasp at the end of the room was not supposed to be heard by anyone. | could tell by the way Freya

brought her. hands to her lips as if to send back the sound when | looked up to meet her eyes.

Jessy finally let go ofand there was no more tears in the younger girl's eyes, her lips even had a wide smile

and | could not help but return it, momentarily forgetting her mother that was stood by the door.

“Warm like bunny.” She said softly toand | furrowed my brows in confusion.

Who was bunny?

| didn’t have an opportunity to ask because in the next second Jessy was turning around and moving in the

direction of her mother who had thankfully recovered from her initial shock.

“Hungee mommy.” The little girl said quietly to her mother, who only nodded her head before turning around to

lead her back to the kitchen, | assume.

But not before throwing one last glance my way. One glance that connected her green orbs with my grey ones

and threwback to the night before.

The pleasure that had danced in those seyes, the way those eyes had regardedand had lefttingling

all over and trembling like a leaf.

Lcould feel the hairs on my body rise as these thoughts threatened to consme and | shook my head gently

to clear it

Making my way back to my office, once | recovered.

Zoe was shuffling from one foot to another on her spot and | could see that the long wait had affected her.

The moment she heard the door close, she whipped her head back so fast, | feared it might disconnect from its

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One thing remained though, the slook of confusion that had been swirling in her dark eyes previously were

still doing the same. | settled down in my seat and watched her for a moment.

There were different kinds of omegas when they were purchased or acquired. The ones that were excited at the

prospect of a change in environment from what they were used to, that wanted to please and looked forward to

their new roles and Masters Like Emilia.

Then there were the ones that were frightened and maybe even cried. The ones that had no idea what their new

situation held in stock for them and were scared to find out. Like Freya.

Then there was Zoe.

One of the very few maids who fit neither of these descriptions.

The most noticeable thing about Zoe when she started serving here was her observance. The girl had eyes as

dark as the night but those dark eyes seemed to see everything.

As the twent on, she changed. Not in the way that made her less observant, but in the way she spoke,

looked, even acted.

Especially after the incident.

She had once bectoo forward and maybe it

circumstances that surrounded the situation but it was a long time


09.38 Mon, Jan 27

Chapter 63


before | noticed the change. And the maid had taken my kindness as at the tas a green light for her


Many people purchased omegas as not only slaves but also as objects to satisfy their sexual desires and granted

that whenever | purchased an omega, | purchased the best and the most beautiful but it didn’t mean that | did it

because | had intention of sleeping with my maids.

So | wasn't sure the exact thing that had led Zoe to believe she would be an exception.

Well there was an exception now, but | couldn't exactly explain how it had happened with my personal maid and

that was something I did not want to think about in this situation.

But ever since | put the head maid in her place and made sure she remained there, she changed.

And the unnerving thing was that | couldn't exactly tell what changed with her, there was just a different aura to

the girl.

| plucked the picture from my desk where 1 had placed it before leading Jessy out of the room earlier.

“Did you at any point leave your room last night?” | asked, going straight to the point. They all knew that part of

me. | didn’t ever beat around the bush.

“No Master She replied.

“Zoe.” | called and she flinched slightly, which surprisedbecause my voice wasn’t even that loud, only

slightly firm. “Were you in Freya's room last night?” | asked once more, looking intently at her hoping to catch

every of her reaction.

“Freya? Why would | be in Freya's room?”

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| only raised my brows at her question. She didn’t really expectto answer that, did she?

“No Master. | was never in Freya's room at any point last night. Matter of fact, it has been a while that I've been

there.” She said finally.

| sighed heavily, rubbing my forehead gently to chase away the headache that had begun throbbing behind my


“Have you seen this? Recently?” | added the last part on second thought.

And Zoe furrowed her brows in thoughts but then she shook her head negatively.

“No Master. | haven't. She replied.

There were no signs to prove that she were lying. She wasn't fidgeting or acting weird. She just looked confused.

| couldn’t decide to just punish everyone involved because that would be wrong considering the fact that | had

nothing on


“You're dismissed. Ask Freya to bringa cup of coffee.” | instructed, leaning back in my seat to relieve my


It felt like my entire day had been a roller coaster and the day was not even half over yet. | might need more

than a cup of that coffee to seethrough it.

There was no way in hell that this picture would have

Something weird was going on and | was going to find out what it was moved from my room and supposedly

appeared in Freya's room by itself.

But for now, Ill let it rest_

09:38 Mon, Jan 27

Chapter tit