Chapter 58 "Eat your food Jessy." I instructed my three years old.
But she ignoredand only continued to play around with the little plastic fork that had been set out specifically for her Jessy had a long look on her face and that confused me. She looked sad and even angry, but she refused to say a word to me.
The moment I got into the room carlier this morning. I had seen Jessy wide awake, clutching the sheets tight in her hands with tears rolling down her cheeks and she had also wet the bed.
Which was something she only did after a nightmare or when she was really scared and my heart raced with fear and disappointment.
Fear that something could have happened to my child and I would have been unable to do anything about it because I was too busy getting my brains fucked out, and disappointment mainly because of the look in my daughter's eyes.
I had immediately apologized to her and had tried to make up for it by giving her sof my food, it was really the best I could do. I didn't have the privilege to do anything else and it usually worked.
Jessy ate a lot for her age so she was always more than happy to get double portions of food, but today she wasn't having any of it.
"Jessy, what's the problem? I already apologized for leaving you told you I was only out getting swater. Why won't you forgive me?" I whispered to my child, but the stubborn mini version of myself only pouted more and turned away from me. Sighing heavily, I moved my plate from the island where we usually had our meals to the sink.
Jesty had never been this mad atbefore. Even back at our former pack house when I used to work till insanely late and leave her alone so much.
Her attitude at the moment was unexplainable and scary.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"Hi Jessy." Christie called the moment she walked into the kitchen.
Jessy and I had woken up earlier than the others because the Alpha had instructedto prepare his breakfast and the moment Jessy realized I was getting ready for the day, she refused to go back to bed and she had been followingeverywhere ever since.
"Hi Chrisey." Jessy called back cheerfully, the previous anger and sulking that had painted her face was wiped off in a second.
I furrowed my brows in confusion at that. The two began another of their weird discussions that helped them bond but I just never seemed to get the hang of it.
Jessy did not look a single bit upset and she even shared more than one laugh with Christie.
Jealousy bubbled in my stomach.
That was my baby! And she wasn't even talking to me.
1 inched closer to the two.
"Jess?" I called, hoping that she would have gotten over her bad mood and would be willing to talk tonow.
My daughter only spareda half glance before turning her attention back to Christie.
09:37 Mon, Jan 27 Chapter 58 The latter furrowed her brows before looking between myself al Jessy with armusement dancing in her eyes.
1 rolled my eyes at the smile she was trying to hide. Of course, ts would be funny to her.
6078 "Wipe that smile off your face Christie." I said in what I assumed was my best threatening voice but was probably not, since Christie only burst out laughing at my words.
"What's happening between you two?" She asked, amidst her laughter.
"I don't know why Jessy refuses to talk to me. She's been mad atall morning and I can't explain it." Christie furrowed her brows in thoughts before turning to the three years old that had thankfully started eating her food slowly.
"Jess?" Christie called.
"Mmm?" "Why are you mad at Mommy?" "No." Jessy replied simply, still focused on her breakfast.
And I sighed in frustration.
"You're not mad at her." Christie asked again and this tJessy turned her eyes to me.
"Mad." She stated simply before turning back to her food again.
Christie had been about to reply but she was interrupted by Emilia sauntering into the kitchen. I squinted my eyes at her, memories of what had taken place just earlier in the morning flooding my mind once more.
Emilia cut a look to Jessy and I furrowed my brows in confusion, when I looked in the direction of my daughter she had her head bowed in what looked like fear and her lips were wobbling like she were about to cry. My heart began thrumming in its cage.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmWhat if Emilia had slipped into the room while I was out of it and she had done something to Jessy. Maybe that was the reason my daughter was so mad at me.
I didn't have the tto ask questions because Emilia's next words stoppedin my tracks.
"Freya, Master requests for you in his office." She delivered and my heart thrumming multiplied.
I had just served his breakfast about thirty minutes earlier and I was just waiting to get a word out of Jessy before I moved to clear the table.
What could have gone wrong in this time? Because Emilia was gloating atand that could never mean anything good.
"Okay I'll be right there." I replied.
Right now Freya." She insisted, her tone taking a more authoritative stance, makingfin anger.
1 said nothing though. The last thing I wanted was another punishment ΟΠΙ because Emilia had decided to push NO my butto my buttons. I sighed in frustration, before moving to walk out of the kitchen. 09:37 Mon, Jan 27 G Chapter 58 Jessy had scrambled out of her seat immediat, hugging my legs and preventingfrom moving while shaking her head rapidly "Jess? What's the problem? Let go ofbaby, I have to go." 1 coed gently.
But my daughter refused, holding my legs even tighter and shaking her head. I looked to Christie for help but she could only watchin confusion too.
"Okay, con. We'll go together. I said to Jessy and that seemed to calm her down because she finally let go of my legs and took my outstretched hand.
"You know you can't bring the brat to the Alpha's office. Besides he wants to see you alone." Emilia bit angrily, cutting another dirty look to my child, who hid behindin reaction.
"Mind your business Emilia. You're as much a slave here as I am, You don't e get to make rules or boss, anyone? around. You've delivered the Alpha's message now get lost. The anger in my tone was not lost to me, but I was sincerely tired of her attitude.